PLAY THE GAME : Windows Source

Game of modified “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.
Each round you choose one of the options “Crops”, “Bugs” or “Rain”.
Goal is to get to 7 crops, before the opponent.

There are different results, depending on chosen options

Player A | Player B | Result | Result A | Result B
Crops | Crops | Friends | +1 crop | +1 crop
Crops | Bugs | Attack | -2 crops | /
Crops | Rain | Growing | +2 crops | +1 crop
Bugs | Rain | Extermination | -1 bug | /
Bugs | Bugs | Overpopulation | -1 bug | -1 bug
Rain | Rain | Flood | -2 crops | -2 crops

Each 5th round, you regenerate one bug, up to maximum of 3.