WALKTHROUGH: Watch start cinematic. Pick up keys from the table in front of Exit your office. Interact with exit door behind you - fingerprint scanner will not work. Click X. [ Rotate around, see robot, although we didn't have time to add interaction with her. ] Press SPACE to open inventory, right click on mobile phone, left click on the right part to mix it in. Go to IT office, just next to exit door on your right. Pick up battery on the the right. Go back to hall, and go down the hall. Enter marketing office on the right. Interact with jacket to pick up door keys. Go back to hall. Interact with locked door to UX office. Right click on door key, left click on door lock to unlock it. Go in UX office, pick up cables behind you on the floor. Press SPACE to open inventory. Add cables and battery to the mix on the right, and click COMBINE - you get contraption for hacking doors. Go back to hall and then down the hall to the exit door. Interact with exit door, use the hacking contraption with the fingerprint scanner. Lights will go out, robot will disappear. [Didn't have time to add interaction with robot where she goes crazy and starts looking for something, and goes away] You need to find another door. Go down the hall, and then go to marketing office on the right (room with jacket). On the right, there is one more door. Interact with them, use hacking device on that fingerprint scanner, doors are unlocked. Go in the door, listen to the robot talking to you, doors are locked. [Didn't have time to implement hiding from robot, searching for more items] Interact with Dragance in the room. Watch end cinematic.